3 Essential Elements When Designing A Professional Services Website

Designing a website specifically geared for professional services can be difficult, especially if you haven't had much experience in this area before. While you could just go for it, the chances are that you will miss a crucial factor, or make a common mistake. As such, our experts at JDR Group have created this brief guide on essential elements that you need to include when designing a professional services website, to ensure that your customer will love it, and you achieve a high conversion rate.
1. A Clear And Consistent Message
Your website is an opportunity to show your company to potential clients, highlight your products and services, as well as explaining the features and benefits that you can bring customers. Within this, you need to ensure that the core message of your company remains consistent throughout your professional services website. Whether you are suggesting that you are the most trusted company in an area, base your services around your client, or are committed to only using cutting-edge technology, the message must be clear and remain consistent to ensure that customers pick up on this message and retain it.
2. Calls To Action
Every page of your professional services website should encourage the end user to do something. Usually, this will be to purchase your services, but could also be to sign up to your mailing list or leave a review of your services. In order to help convert these readers, every webpage should include a call to action which clearly states what they should do and how they should do it. It is essential to add a hyperlink that takes them to the relevant page to encourage them to act quickly, while also reducing the amount of work the user has to do themselves.
3. A Range Of Contact Information
Every website should contain a page specifically dedicated to contact information. However, if your page only offers end users a message box to fill out, then this is likely to reflect poorly on your company as it will appear impersonal and inefficient to people wanting to get in touch with you directly. Instead, ensure that your contact page includes your address and a phone number, as well as an email address and the details of any social media pages that you use. This way people can get in contact with you through their preferred medium, meaning you are likely to be responding to a happier customer.