How to Set up Your Emails in Microsoft Outlook 2003

Setting up new emails in your mail client can be extremely difficult if you don’t know how, as anything is. It is also one of the most common questions we get asked over the phone here at JDR. In this article I am going to guide you through step by step on how to set up your emails in a popular mail client, Microsoft Outlook 2003. Please note that setting up emails in newer versions of Outlook as well as other mail clients like Mozilla Thunderbird will be very similar to the instructions below.
The Set-up
1) The first step is to open up your mail client. Then locate tools in the menu bar and click on the email accounts option in the drop down menu.
2) Make sure that the “add new email account” option is selected and then click on next to continue with the setup.
3) Make sure the Pop 3 option is selected and again click on next.
4) Fill out all of the required information in this next stage and refer to the screenshot and examples below.
Your name – This is the name that people will see when you send them an email. So, you can either put your real name, the business name or something like sales or accounts, depending on what the email address is going to be used for.
Email Address – This is self-explanatory, the email you are setting up needs to go in here.
Username – This is often your email address but double check this with your provider.
Password – This should’ve been given to you by your provider. Leave the box that says, “log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)” un-ticked.
Incoming and Outgoing Servers – Ask your email provider for this information. They often start with For JDR email clients, they will either be or Please check with us if you are unsure. Once all this information has been filled out correctly we need to go into more settings.
5) After clicking on more settings, click on the outgoing server tab at the top.
6) Double check your settings here with the screenshot below. “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication” should be ticked. Also, “use same settings as my incoming mail server” should be selected. When this information is all correct, click on the advanced tab.
7) After clicking on the advanced tab, make sure the port numbers are the same as below. Incoming should be 110 and outgoing should be 25 (no boxes should be ticked). Also, make sure that “leave a copy of messages on the server” is un-ticked as this will clog up your mail box if it isn’t and you’ll start getting issues receiving mail. After these have been checked, click ok.
8) That will then redirect you to the screen below where you first need to click on test account settings. If everything works then click on next and finish. However, if you experience any errors when testing your account settings go back through the steps above and make sure everything is entered correctly and all the right options have been ticked. Hopefully, this will fix any problems.
Everything should all now be working.
You have now successfully set up your email account. If there is another one you need to add to the same email client, just repeat the above steps. However, I advise that you don’t have them set up on more than one computer as you may start experiencing technical problems. If you are a client of ours and have followed all of the above instructions and are sure you have entered everything correctly, but are experiencing email problems then please feel free to give us a call on 01332 343281 and one of our friendly team members will be more than happy to help. Please make sure you have the relevant details to hand before calling us.