Digital Prosperity Blog

12 Days Of SEO Tips For eCommerce Sites Heading Into Christmas

Written by Lewis Dillingham | 14-Nov-2017 11:01:41

Christmas is a very important time for an eCommerce website. Consumers are looking for presents to buy and competition is at its fiercest. So it's crucial that you take advantage and ensure your website gets found.

SEO is very important in achieving this and while your standard SEO may be fine throughout the rest of the year, during Christmas, you should revamp it to take advantage of the unique selling opportunities.

On The 1st Day Of Christmas... New Keywords

During Christmas, it's a great idea to introduce festive keywords to your campaigns. It's very likely that people that are looking for that perfect Christmas will use seasonal language and so including similar words in your content, website and product names will give your website a nice advantage.

On The 2nd Day Of Christmas... Exclusive Search Terms

We all know someone who's stressfully hard to buy for. They just don't want anything and don't have any interests or hobbies that you can take advantage of. When buying for these people, festive search terms are often used in order to get ideas.

Search terms such as:

  • Christmas gifts for men
  • Girly Christmas gifts
  • Popular Christmas presents for kids
  • Xmas gift ideas

Take note of which search terms are being used and make sure your SEO reflects those findings. Adding these terms as keywords will allow you to maximise your Christmas revenue.

On The 3rd Day Of Christmas... Easy Content

Christmas is a great time for content as it gives you a very obvious basis for your content. During Christmas, everything is about Christmas. Our adverts, TV, food products, music, magazine articles, social media interactions, even our daily conversations are about Christmas. This may be annoying to some people but as a business owner, you need to accept and engage with this. Creating Christmas themed content will keep your business relevant and your customers will enjoy the temporary change.

On The 4th Day Of Christmas... New Relevant Content

Your website's SEO can be heavily influenced by the age and relevancy of your content. If you don't update your content for a long time you will be penalised. The same goes for irrelevant content. If the content doesn't match the keywords your ranking will drop.

Christmas is great for content production as it allows you to produce quick, fresh content that is relevant to a lot of trending keywords and search terms. Make the most of this short-term opportunity by creating fresh and festive content regularly during the lead up to Christmas.

On The 5th Day Of Christmas... Limited Time Deals

The competition during Christmas is extremely high. Everyone wants to take advantage of the millions of buyers, so you need to give your product an edge over similar products. A great way of doing this is by running a limited-time offer leading up to Christmas. Both the reduction in price and the fact that it's temporary will incentivise people to snatch up your product before they miss out.

On The 6th Day Of Christmas... Higher Traffic

As you're already aware, people tend to buy presents at Christmas. A lot of presents. So that means there's a lot of people getting online and searching the internet for products. You should prepare your website for the influx of new visitors. It would be pretty frustrating if you got hundreds of visitors all trying to make purchases only to have your website crash and lose all that revenue. That's why it's very important to ensure your website is optimised and responsive. Keep file sizes low and make any chances you can to maintain a fast website.

On The 7th Day Of Christmas... Festive Title Tags

Title tags are important to your SEO as they are used to find keywords, check the relevancy of the content and are usually part of the search snippet. If you give any new website content festive title tags, you'll likely see a nice boost to your ranking. Just remember to promptly remove them after New Years...

On The 8th Day Of Christmas... Lots Of Links

During Christmas, there are many articles and advertisements published about great gift ideas or different popular businesses. If you can get the opportunity to have an online article published that includes a product of yours, it would be a great chance to increase your backlinks and get an SEO boost that will last longer than just Christmas.

On The 9th Day Of Christmas... Mobile Searches

A lot of Christmas shoppers like to go out to shops to look for potential gifts. But these people often return home and then purchase these products online. In order for them to do this, they need to know that the products are available online. That means mobile searches.

Because of this, it's very important that your website is mobile responsive. During the rush of buying Christmas presents no one has time to stand around and wait for an unreadable website to load. If your website isn't mobile optimised they aren't going to stick around and then you'll have lost a sale to another store.

On The 10th Day Of Christmas... Black Friday

It's become a yearly tradition now for Black Friday to be a day of amazing deals. This isn't just in stores but online too. If you don't get involved with the Black Friday deals you could lose an entire weekend (Yes, Black Friday is really a Black Weekend) of sales as people will be making sure they only buy from businesses that have reduced products.

On The 11th Day Of Christmas... Fast Deliveries

A lot of people leave buying presents until much too late. You should take advantage of this by ensuring your website offers fast and effective delivery. During the last few days, you could see a sudden rise in sales if you're the only website that can deliver in time!

Ensure that your SEO reflects this business advantage you have by including terms such as 'Fast Delivery' in your keywords and content.

On The 12th Day Of Christmas... The JDR Group

Perfect your Christmas SEO by contacting the JDR Group and having your website SEO evaluated. We can help boost your sales and make the Christmas rush easier on you by automating your website and sales so that you can enjoy Christmas like the rest of us. Visit our website for more details: