Digital Prosperity Blog

5 Types of Video to Use As Part of Business Marketing Strategy

Written by Lewis Dillingham | 07-Jun-2017 14:30:00

Recently, we published an article detailing the 5 most effective forms of video for service providing, business to business companies. This article will expand on that previous article by introducing you to another 5 types of video that will benefit your business in a variety of ways. Be sure you have read the last article to get the most out of this one.

As I have previously stated, to create an engaging, effective video, quality is your highest priority. Ensuring you have clear, steady footage and distinct, relevant audio will make the consumers of your content much more receptive to your message, and in conjunction with that, much more likely to enlist your services.

Why Choose Video Over Other Forms Of Media?

Video footage is considered the most substantial form of evidence. This is because people find things more believable when they see it with their own eyes. It is in a businesses best interests, therefore, to use video in order to gain their audiences’ trust. Through a subtle mixture of visuals and audio, a video can be edited to portray any message or emotion, from happy, scared, triumphant, successful, failure or anything else.

Here are 5 types of video that can be used to push your message:

1. Culture Videos

The larger and more successful a business becomes, the more distant it naturally appears to its clients. A culture video is a great way to promote your businesses morals and prove that despite the formal exterior, you're still just a group of normal people at your core. You want to show the world that your business is a place of positivity and progress, and that the professional attitude your business carries doesn't mean your business doesn't care about the local community or its people. This form of video is also a great way to attract new employees as you can push a message of being a fun business to work for.

This video should contain a diverse range of shots, predominantly consisting of scenes of great natural beauty, and footage of the most positive aspects of your business. Throughout the video talk about the care you have for the community, in relation to both the local area but also the relationships you have formed within the business itself. Make sure to speak with references to progress and efficiency, as you want to ensure the message you are putting across includes that of your success. It is good to keep in mind that you should include people from all cultures and communities in your video as it pushes a feeling of diversity and British values. Footage of your business should avoid including any services you provide and focus on showing charity work, events, and company team bonding days. Match the footage with uplifting, cheerful music to really push the positive message of your company. Most important of all make sure you are authentic.  Put the real you out there, don’t try to fabricate who you are as you will be likely to attract the wrong type of clients as a result.

Upload this video to YouTube, share it around social media, and embed it on your website. This will ensure the maximum amount of people will see it, and it will be the first thing they see of your business, no matter how they find you.

2. Webinars

A webinar is a live, online event you host, in which viewers can directly ask you questions about your business. The benefit to this style of video is that you don't have to worry about recording and editing it, as it is done live. You should include any members of staff that have a good knowledge of the services you provide, and try to make sure you can cover every aspect of the business as you want to avoid the possibility that you don't know the answer to a particularly difficult question.

Set up a chair for each staff member that will be involved, all facing the camera. Position yourself in front of a clear, professional background to keep the quality level high. Once the live stream starts, treat the event as though you were being interviewed, picking a question and spending a bit of time discussing it between yourselves. If someone asks a question you would rather not answer, politely state that you would rather not discuss it. It is very important that you maintain a positive, professional attitude throughout the webinar. The event should last around one hour in length in order to answer a reasonable amount of questions.

Working a live stream can be tricky so ensure you know how to set it up prior to the webinar. It may be a good idea to have a member of your IT support deal with the technical aspects of the live stream. You should send an invite including the time, date and URL, to all current clients as well as anyone you are currently targeting.

3. Product Review

As I stated earlier, video is the most trusted form of media as it allows people to observe the facts with their own eyes. A product review is a great way to take advantage of this trust. If you are launching a new product, instead of relying solely on images, try creating a video of the product in use. This allows potential customers to see exactly what they are getting, and will make them acknowledge that the product is of the advertised quality.

Begin the video with some dramatic sweeping shots of the product. Make sure it is well lit but has a darkened backdrop. This will not only increase the clarity of the product but also add a level of drama. Then begin to show the product in use. Use a mixture of real-time, wide angle footage and slow-motion close-ups. Contain shots of intricate, moving, mechanical parts as this will enforce a feeling of quality. A product review can contain narration, detailing the specifics of the product but this is not always necessary. Try to keep the length of this video around the two to three minute mark as you want to allow for enough time to entice your audience but not so much that they get bored.

Post your product review on YouTube and embed it on the products page on your website. For a truly professional appearance, you should create a product review video for all your products, as this will prove to potential clients that you are confident in your stock range.

4. Testimonial Video

For businesses that provide a personal service for a client, such as house or garden maintenance, or regular, reoccurring work, a testimonial video is great way to show potential clients that you are trustworthy. Written reviews are good but can easily be faked and consumers are aware of this. It is much less likely however, for a testimonial video to be fake.

Ask your regular clients if they would be willing to be in your video (you're aiming for around five or six). Depending on your type of business, you can either record the footage at the location of the service you provided, such as in their garden or in front of their house, or you can request they come out to your building and record it where you preform the service. Ask them to say some words about what you did for them and how they feel it went. Make sure you record the audio with a high quality mic. You don't need any flashy editing for this one. Just add some calm music over the top of the footage and cut the footage together in a visually pleasing arrangement.

Like with product reviews, these videos work best when uploaded to YouTube and embedded on your website (preferably on the services specific page). Aim to keep the video no longer than a few minutes as there is only so long someone will spend watching reviews.

5. Live Streaming

With the recent rise in popularity, there is really no better time to get into live streaming. It can be done through multiple platforms such as twitch, or on the currently very popular, Facebook Live. Live streaming is perfect for creative companies such as carpenters or designers. What makes live streams so successful is that people hate to miss out, so the thought of missing some exclusive information or deal will make them eager to watch.

Announce on social media that you are going to be streaming a few minutes before you start so that people have time to get ready. If your business has a creative focus such as design, art or skilful craftsmanship, stream the creation of a product. Talk to your viewers as you work, telling them about techniques you're using or about the product itself. Keep an eye on the chat and answer some questions as you work. If your business is more industrial or information based then treat the live stream as a live vlog. Talk to your viewers about yourself and the business and answer any questions they have.

Live streaming by no means needs to be an everyday thing but doing it once or twice a week will mean people will be looking out for it. The more viewers you get watching your streams, the more likely it is that potential customers will join and learn of your business.

Final Thoughts

All the types of video that I have detailed in this article are great ways to portray a certain message on behalf of your business. Depending on the type of business you own, the success rate of these videos will vary. A large corporation would make great use from a culture video, whilst a small, crafting business would benefit much more from live streaming. Work out which videos you think would match your brand and consider the message you're trying to get across. When needed, hiring a professional is never a bad idea and as always, quality is key.

If you have any question regarding what kind of videos would help your business grow or advice on the creation of a video, don't hesitate to get in touch.