Digital Prosperity Blog

How To Create Top Quality Content That Generates Lead After Lead After Lead

Written by Leanne Mordue | 12-Aug-2016 16:30:00

It’s been common knowledge for a number of years now that content is king in the online world. If crafted and used well it can strongly drive traffic, engage audiences and boost SEO for the business. Put simply, the better the content the move digital marketing goals will be achieved. But how do you ensure that you are winning the online content race in a field of millions on the internet.

Keep your ear close to the ground

Creating top quality content will require you to keep you ear to the ground and react to events or shifts in the market quickly.

  • I’m sure you’re already aware of the company’s main audience. Go to the next level and note down what they share and interact with online, and supply them with this content.
  • Create buyer persona’s to make sure your content meets all of their requirements.
  • Follow what your competitors are doing to give your market better content
  • Keep an eye on social media and what people are sharing.

Create epic not average

With more and more content online to get peoples’ attention, there is now no room for average content that is just added for the sake of it. If you are creating a blog post or video content, consumers want epic not average to get their attention. If it fails to hit the mark it will fade into the white noise and people simply won’t be interested.

  • Is your content relevant and solving a pain point that a consumer may have?
  • Does the piece engage the audience?
  • Does it appeal to the consumer on an emotional level?
  • Is the content original and different to the completion?

Keep these points in mind when creating your upcoming content to ensure it is epic - not average. You don’t want a zero response from your content. 

Make sure it’s worth sharing

A great way to create epic content is to think of how many websites you would want to share your content with, to their followers or fans. If this is making you put the brakes on and stopping you creating content, then a good idea may be to create some pre-outreach content to test the waters and ask relevant websites or bloggers if they would be interested in sharing your idea once it is created. If people are interested it proves your idea is engaging, relevant and appealing enough to be created.

It’s vital in today’s modern marketing climate to make sure that your content is shareable, especially on social platforms. It is where most people in the private and business sector source information. So when creating content, make sure you think of social media before creating the content.

Tip for social media sharing:

  • Straight to the point titles
  • Image to explain the content quickly
  • Pain points solved in the industry
  • Research competitor’s social media feeds to ensure you’re not covering the same ground

Quality over quantity

A common mistake in today’s fast paced business world is to get content out quick and fast. When it’s time to create your content, take the time to do it right. Make the experience of reading it an enjoyable one, not just a piece of content that is filled with keywords and difficult to read. Earn your backlinks and don’t ruin the potential of a good idea by being lazy. What could be worse than getting consumers to engage in your content with a great title and introduction, to then not follow through with the rest of the content that’s just poor. It’s going to end up harming your brand. Learn more about why your brand is important with this article - Learn The Importance of Creating a Strong Online Brand And How To Implement it.

Are people reading, listening and interacting with your content? No, Why?

If you’re still struggling to gain an audience for your content, it could just take some more time. But, if after a lengthy period you still don’t get the response you require it’s time to change the strategy. Use these points to determine if it’s time to change tactics:

  • Why is your audience not engaging?
  • Are you creating too much content and overloading them with it?
  • Are you posting enough to keep their interest? If not step up and create more
  • Can they find your content in the first place? – Find out where they are looking and get your content in front of them (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest)
  • Is your content too complex to keep readers entertained? – Make it more user friendly

Don’t waste your time creating average content. Make it great and stand out from the crowd – you’ll be doing yourself a huge favour.