Digital Prosperity Blog

Generate More Leads From Your Website In 6 Simple Steps

Written by Andrew Gibbins | 10-Dec-2019 14:54:00

Inbound marketing has many benefits for SMEs looking to increase sales qualified leads. If utilised correctly, it's cost-effective, produces quick results, reaches new audiences and markets, and builds brand awareness and authority. Using a local digital marketing agency in Derby like JDR is a great option for SMEs without a substantial in-house marketing team.

By using the right sales and conversion tactics, you can transform your website into a lead generation hub. Here are six steps you can adopt yourself today.

1) Add Forms To The Pages That Get The Most Traffic

Look at the pages with the highest number of views. Do you have an offer on those pages? Do you have a call to action on those pages? If you add a contact form to these pages enticing visitors to enter their details, some of them will! This will lead to you being able to send a personalised message to that person to start a one-to-one discussion.

2) Measure Each Lead Generator's Performance

Look at successful landing pages and compare them with those that are struggling. A good business growth specialist will be able to help you understand why one page may be generating five times more leads than another. Remember, even on the best pages, most people won't fill out forms – in most cases, a 3% conversion rate is a good result.

3) Optimise Each Step Of The Lead Generation Process

When visitors search for something, hit them with relevant offers. Make it easy for them to complete those, with clear, contrasting colours and fonts. Don't overlook thank-you pages, either; they're powerful tools for feeding customer appreciation back into the flywheel. After attracting customers and engaging them in the process, you want to leave them interested and engaged – the best way to attract more business.

4) Start With A Basic CTA On Your Homepage

Make sure visitors to your site have a smooth experience. Bring them in with something simple and attractive, like a free downloadable ebook or product trial. Many prospects won't be ready to purchase immediately, so reassure them that the buying process will be as non-invasive as possible by keeping things frictionless.

5) Offer Ebooks For Download On Specific Blog Posts

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is used to get your site ranking highly with Google. That opens the door to more organic visitors, many likely to be searching for solutions. A valuable form of lead generation is to provide those answers in a PDF ebook or white paper download, in return for a reader's details. Research keywords around your topic and create relevant content and reports to go into that PDF. An agency will be able to help you with this if you don’t have the time.

6) Personalise Your Calls-To-Action

Visitors like to feel treated as individuals. In fact, personalised calls-to-action can improve conversion rates by over 200%. Simply using a customer's name or changing a "Welcome" message to "Welcome Back" for returning customers can make a real difference. Dynamic content like this is easily achieved with tools like HubSpot's Content Management System.

Next Steps!

Growing your business only happens when you close sales, and that can only happen with leads. With these tips, you can prevent website visitors drifting away without satisfaction, and instead grab the opportunities that arise with both hands.

To take your lead generation strategy to the next level, give us a call on 01332 982247 today.

Image source: Pixabay