Digital Prosperity Blog

5 Great Lead Generation Tools To Help You Get More Business Online

Written by Will Williamson | 16-May-2016 05:06:38

If you are looking to expand your roster of tools for lead generation, look no further! There are a number of useful and cost-effective online lead generation strategies that can revolutionise your sales and marketing strategy.

Lead generation tool 1: Twitter

Social media is one of the best lead generation tools out there. It is low cost and extremely effective when used correctly.

For example, Twitter offers lead generation cards that can help to capture leads directly from users’ timelines. Lead cards offer the chance for you to put out captivating information or offers from your business and get potential leads to sign up directly from Twitter. According to Webtrends, the lead generation cards increases leads tenfold, making it a significant tool for business use.

Lead generation tool 2: LinkedIn

Though LinkedIn is perceived as merely an online version of a networking system, it can be a very effective tool for businesses to use in their lead generation strategy. If you want an online lead generation tool to add to your arsenal that will not cost very much, LinkedIn’s ability to host content that you produce is unparalleled. You can share interesting information that is relevant to your industry and become a recognisable figure in your industry, inciting those reading to trust you and to connect with you. LinkedIn draws in leads, ready for you to use their details to build a stronger relationship that will lead to sales or business connections.

Lead generation tool 3: Shareable content

If there is one thing that works well online, it is well thought out and interesting content. The information that is shared online the most is effective because it fulfils a need. By keeping this in mind, you can create highly engaging content that will be passed along for you, effectively expanding your marketing efforts.

For example, a product or business video that will be interesting for your target audience is one of the best lead generation tools. According to studies, 65 percent of people are visual learners, so the majority of your audience will engage more strongly with a visual representation of your business. Best of all, this online lead generation tool can be spread across your online channels, such as social media, and on your website. Encourage those viewing it to share the content, and you can watch the leads roll in as the video gains a wider audience.

Lead generation tool 4: Your website

By far, the best lead generation tool is your website. It is the first place that people will go when searching for your business or related services on the internet, so it has to be the biggest conversion tool that you have to hand.

You can optimise your website so that it works as an effective lead generation and conversion tool. Ensure that your website can easily be found on search engines, using search engine optimisation in both the technical and visual sides of your site. Make the user experience smooth and enjoyable, with relevant information found quickly and easily. Your website should be distinctly recognisable, and should reflect your business - after all, you want visitors to be able to remember your business above others.

The main lead generation aspect of your website will be your “calls to action”. Perhaps you can create offers or sales for your products, or a special one-time discount on a particular service you offer. Make sure that these calls to action are obvious to visitors when they first hit the site. If you need some ideas for a call to action, here is a great article - Four Tips for Developing Effective Call to Action Buttons.

This part is key for building a website that will convert traffic into lead generation. Visitors should immediately be attracted to interacting with the site and engaging with the business, and one very simple way of doing this is to offer them an incentive to pass along details. Include a form that asks for basic information such as name and email address, and you will have the beginnings of a relationship with your potential client or customer.

Lead generation tool 5: Review sites

Gaining a potential customer or client’s trust is half the battle when generating leads online. Guiding your customer into sharing their details with you so that you can build a strong business relationship can be tricky, so having a good reputation is vital.

Using review websites such as GetApp, you can help develop the reputation of your product or service. Your business will be listed in their inventory of trustworthy sites, giving you an extra advantage over your fellow businesses. GetApp not only lists your business, but will spread it across a network of sites that will put your site directly in front of potential leads.

All of these lead generation tools are excellent for developing a comprehensive strategy for business development. By using the best lead generation tools, you can expand your business online with relative ease. You will find bags of free and helpful lead generation and inbound marketing advice elsewhere on our Digital Prosperity Blog, which you can visit through this link.