Digital Prosperity Blog

Does Being Mobile Friendly Really Increase Leads & Sales?

Written by Adam Jones | 02-Sep-2016 14:59:00

No matter what industry you’re in you would have heard the question ‘Is your website mobile friendly?’ And you may even be fed up of having to answer this question. But let me ask you this, have you ever been asked ‘Does your website bring in many people from mobile devices?’ Having a mobile friendly website is very important but you need to ask yourself whether or not you get much traffic and enquires from mobile devices. In this article, I will be discussing whether or not having a mobile friendly website can actually increase the leads and sales you get for your business.

If you want to learn more about mobile friendly websites and what they can do for your business here is a selection of articles we’ve posted this year about the subject:

Now let’s continue with this one and discuss the first point you need to take into consideration…

How Much Traffic Do You Currently Get From Mobile?

The first question you need to ask yourself is how much traffic you currently get from mobile devices. This will give you a great indication of just how many of your existing and potential customers are visiting your website from a mobile device. This data can be obtained through installing various software on your website and this will give you some incredible in-depth statistics.

When viewing the data you need to compare the total number of visits you’ve had on your website next to how many of them have been from a mobile device. If your current website is not mobile friendly and you’re quite clearly able to see that a very large number of visits actually come from mobile, you need to take action on this straightaway. The longer you sit on this information the more potential leads you could be missing out on. This is a great example of how a mobile friendly website can increase leads and sales for your business. This is because you’re allowing your potential customer to browse your website information in the best possible way and format.

Let’s come at this from another angle. If you check your website statistics and you can see that the amount of visits from mobile devices is low, you still need to take action. Just because you have low traffic from mobile devices right now, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a mobile friendly website. Number 1 – It’s vital that you have a mobile friendly website for Google and other Search Engines, number 2 you can still get more leads from a mobile friendly website and number 3 this figure will increase!

The main point to take from website traffic is that no matter how much traffic you get from mobile devices, you need to make sure your website is mobile friendly. This will allow your user to also have a better experience, which leads me onto my next point…

User Experience

Another point you need to take into account is the user experience when they are on your website using a mobile device. If it’s not mobile friendly then the user will soon become frustrated and annoyed meaning they may even turn to a competitor’s website to view. This is the worst case scenario but you need to be aware of what could possibly happen. You want to give your user the best experience possible when viewing your website, whether they’re on a computer, mobile or tablet. The better experience you can offer them, the more likely it is that they will take action on your content and contact your business.

Let’s use an example to help put this in perspective for you. Let’s say a user is currently viewing your website on a mobile device but it’s not mobile friendly. They’re continually having to zoom in and out to view all the page information, they’re having to scroll from left to right to read the information, images are large and taking up all the screen. This is soon becoming too much for them, they are not able to find the information they are looking for so they leave your website. This is a lost lead and potential sale for your business. Now if you take the same example but throw in a mobile friendly website, the story is completely different. As you have a mobile friendly website the user is easily able to navigate throughout the website. Viewing all the different content you have and wanting to learn more. They then contact your business through your mobile friendly website. Again, this is a perfect example of how a mobile friendly website can increase leads and sales for your business.

Final Thoughts

No matter what your business is and what your website does, you need to make sure it’s mobile friendly. This can be the difference between a lead and sale from your mobile site to not having any at all from your mobile site. If you’re still unsure as to whether a mobile friendly website will benefit your business or not, contact us today for some assistance!