Digital Prosperity Blog

4 Reasons to Blog to be Successful in Today’s Content War

Written by Dale Bonser | 23-Jun-2016 13:47:01

If anybody in business tells you or your marketing team that a company blog is a waste of time, stop listening to them immediately and walk in the opposite direction because they couldn’t be more wrong if they tried.

But seriously, if someone doesn’t appreciate the necessity of a company blog in today’s content driven business world, explain to them that B2B marketers that use blogs receive 67 percent more leads than those that do not. You can also send them to this blog article as I’m going to explain 4 reasons why a blog is vital to succeed in today’s inbound marketing climate.

Reason 1: More traffic to your website

This first reason is pretty self-explanatory but a vital cog in the success of your business in attracting new prospects via content marketing. It’s obvious that the more people that visit your site, the more chance you have of them going onto a landing page.

Regularly, it’s the one part of your website that gets updated with any frequency, which lets users all over the world wide web know that you’re still doing business. Plus, every time you add a blog post, it’s like adding a new page of content to your website. A blog post becomes an indexed page, which means it’s one more way for your website to show up in search engine results.

By writing a blog post you are also creating a piece of content that is easily sharable across social media platforms. This blog post, for example, will be Tweeted and posted on Facebook and LinkedIn, which will help reach potential clients who might just be looking for a reason to implement a blog on their website and looking for the final reasons to do so.

Plus, it gives your Social Media feed something worthwhile to send out that can solve potential customer issues and will show your social media feeds as market leading sources of information.

Reason 2: Speak directly to your customers

Not only does your blog get more traffic to your website, but it helps convert that traffic into leads. At the bottom of every article or post you should add a call-to-action linking to an offer. This will ensure that you keep the readers interest and gain a potential lead for the sales team.

Reason 3: Increase your SEO for free

Remember when we said that each new blog post became an indexed page on your website? Well, that’s very important when it comes to SEO. If you’re often creating content for your website, Search Engine crawlers will frequently visit your website, and new content will be indexed even faster. This helps increase your Search Engine Optimisation and ranks your website above your competition.

Plus, backlinks are still important in SEO and with each article that you add to your blog make sure you link it to other blog articles or pages on your website. The more backlinks you have, the higher your SEO rating. To read more about content creation for your business, read this article written by Kerry Baker from JDR: 6 Easy To Follow Content Marketing Tips For All Industries Budgets

Reason 4: Show that you are the market leader

What’s better than having content that shows you and your company to be the market leaders? Instead of spending 400 words trying to sell something that people naturally switch off to, spend 400 words educating and engaging your readers — it’ll humanise your company, and people like that. Even when someone is buying something, they don’t want to feel like they’re being sold something at every point of the process.

Plus, what your blog content allows your customers and potential customers to do is to gain a further understanding of your brand. The language you use in your blog will tell the reader what kind of company culture you have and how you view yourselves and your product — it can entice them simply by being personable. Once you’ve established rapport, customers will look to you as a reliable resource for information on your industry, and they will come to you when it’s time to buy.

A company blog is essential in today’s marketing plan. If you need to be convinced of the reasons to either action a blog or focus more time on your blog, then read the 4 areas above and make a start by adding content to your company blog weekly.