Digital Prosperity Blog

Why Your Website Needs To Be An Effective Business Website That Attracts Customers

Written by Will Williamson | 12-Apr-2019 14:00:00

Search engines are fantastic at matching search queries with informative, helpful content. That’s not so great if your business website performs more like a digital sales brochure than an information hub. If your website fails to provide a relevant answer to a search query you’ll miss out on organic search traffic.

So, What Is The Difference Between A Brochure Website & An Effective Business Website That Attracts Customers?

Brochure websites can take two forms; an attractive design but ambiguous information that leaves your visitor confused as to what’s on offer, or a website that provides static technical product information without explaining the relevance or benefits to the customer. An effective website, by comparison, incorporates a user-friendly design, supported by regularly updated content, which is genuinely helpful to your target audience. Prospective customers should be able to interact with your business as they navigate around the site, using links or buttons which promote action.

It’s Not Just About You, It’s Primarily About Your Customer

The purpose of the internet is to provide consumers with the information they want instantaneously. It may sound obvious, but this is the most important point to remember when creating your business website and should be at the centre of your website management strategy. Brochure websites are built to project a company and product image, whereas an effective lead generation website is built around the needs of the customer and how your brand can help them meet those needs.

Make sure your website says more about how you can help your audience than about yourself. A good rule of thumb is to be 80% helpful and 20% promotional.

What’s Wrong With Posting Existing Brochure Content Online?

When creating content for a new website many businesses make the mistake of recycling existing product brochure information, without considering the differences between how information appears online and in printed format. Once again, it’s back to the all-important principle of instantaneous access to helpful information. Consider that 45% of all internet users spend less than 15 seconds on a page before moving on to another.

This means that the information displayed on your website must inform and engage with a prospect in just a few concise sentences. It takes an expert mindset to draft persuasive web copy that converts into interested prospects and leads.

Adding Value For Your Customers

Access to downloadable product information will help support your online content, once interest in the product has already been generated. Adding explanatory product videos is the most effective way to convey valuable information quickly, especially if your product is complex. Remember to ensure all brochures and videos are optimised for web use, to maintain fast page loading speed. A visitor will navigate away from a website which takes more than two seconds to load.

Regular Updates & Website Maintenance

Incorporating a regularly updated blog will ensure your web content remains fresh and current. A blog also provides businesses with vast opportunities for lead generation by presenting your company as an authority on relevant industry topics to build consumer trust. Blogs can also be used to humanise your brand by promoting positive news such as significant wins, new developments, charity involvement and event attendance.

Equally it is important to maintain the content on your website, especially if developments within your industry move fast. As brochures and content can become outdated quickly, the ability to adapt your website as your business grows is vital to remaining competitive.

Key Points To Factor Into Your Website Design

In addition to providing quality web content, prospects and search engines will rate your website based on the following factors:

  • Ease of navigation – Design your website from a prospect’s point of view to ensure information is readily available.
  • Responsive design – Nearly 60% of online searches are conducted using a mobile. Ensure your website displays correctly on any device.
  • Load speed – The ideal website load speed is less than half a second. How does yours compare?
  • Testimonials – Add credibility and trust in your brand by promoting success stories.
  • Free resource – Offer downloadable valuable resource such as case studies, or a free guide, to cement your status as an authority in your field.

If you create a website which adds true value to web visitors, your website will generate true value for your business.

JDR specialise in the creation and maintenance of effective lead generation websites as part of a sales and marketing strategy. Our services are designed to help your business increase lead generation and conversion performance. Whether you need advice on redesigning your website, inspirational blog topics tailored for your customers, or solutions to provide you with analysis across your sales and marketing funnel, we are always happy to help. Contact us today on 01332 343 281 for further information.