Digital Prosperity Blog

Which Digital Marketing Tactics Should I Be Using To Attract More Customers?

Written by Lewis Dillingham | 31-May-2019 11:42:00

If you want to attract more customers, digital marketing is the best way to make that ambition a reality. Thanks to the vast array of tactical options digital marketing provides, there is guaranteed to be a strategy that will be successful for your business. Each tactic can help in different ways and each one will vary in its suitability for certain types of business. That's what I'll be talking about in this article, which digital marketing tactics will be the most effective for your business.

Email Marketing

If your business has somewhat of a niche target market, Email marketing could be a great way to attract new customers. The reason for this is that this method involves you going to potential customers directly, you are able to specifically target your desired audience. This can be enhanced further by using automation, saving you time and money, as well as allowing you to organise a long-term campaign with ease. Requesting an email address when people download content from your website, be it an article, EBook or newsletter, you get a list of people who are already looking into your product or service, who will be more open to further information.

Email marketing can benefit businesses that are selling new products regularly, have consistent sales and deals, have a limited pool of potential customers and that like to give a personal touch.

Social Media Marketing

If you sell a service or product that is desirable to everyone, not just those that need it, then social media marketing is ideal as it allows you to reach a much larger quantity of people. Social media has billions of users across its various platforms, so using it to market your business could result in potentially thousands of people becoming aware of you. One of the best parts of marketing through social media is the way in which any content you post will naturally spread through people sharing it. A single post can reach a great many people with almost no effort from yourself. Social media is also great as it allows you to directly interact with potential customers. You can talk to them and form a relationship which will influence them to engage with your business. If you are trying to market to a specific target segment, you may struggle as there is no real way to control who sees your content once it's posted. Similarly, it's difficult to control any negativity that comes from your campaign.

Social media marketing is good for companies that sell a product or service that is inviting, or that can attract people who didn't know they wanted it. A business that wants to get their name seen by as many people as possible could also see good results from a social media campaign.

PPC Marketing

Pay per click marketing will guarantee that your website reaches the top of Google. If your goal is to dominate a specific keyword then PPC tactics will help you to achieve this. PPC marketing usually leads to sales, more so than some other methods. The only downfall of PPC is the potential cost but any company selling expensive items or services will easily make a considerable profit. PPC does have a higher sense of direct competition than other digital marketing methods, as you are bidding for the top spot of your chosen keyword.

PPC is especially useful for businesses that work in the service industry as when people Google their problems, you come up as a solution. Due to the costs, PPC may be better suited for those that can afford the high costs to stay at the top of the auction.

SEO Marketing

SEO is vital if you want organic website traffic. Having your website positioned high in Googles rankings will let people naturally find and visit your website. It requires regular maintenance to keep your site relevant, through trustworthy content and new consistent links being created. Having good SEO will help boost your website for long-term success. It can be hard to measure the results of SEO as they can be unreliable at times. Due to Google giving personalised search results, the top result for you may not be the top result for others.

SEO will benefit a small, new business as it can start with potentially low financial commitment that lends itself to growth over time. SEO is important to all businesses though so should not be neglected.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing encompasses many aspects of digital marketing to get potential customers coming to you. Through the creation of useful and relevant content, your business will become a source of information that people will use and from that, when they come to need your services, they already know who to contact. Inbound marketing takes a lot of time and commitment to be successful but when it is, you will have a long term strategy for consistent traffic to your website.

Inbound marketing is extremely effective for business to business companies or those that provide a service with a niche market. This is because it naturally filters out time wasters and leaves only those that are genuinely interested finding your website.

Encompassing All Digital Marketing Tactics

While each individual tactic will help you in a specific way, combining all these methods will leave you with all the positives while negating a lot of the negatives aspects. In order to make the best use of all these tactics, it would be a very good idea to have a dedicated marketing team, whether this is done in-house or by hiring a digital marketing firm. Combining all aspects of digital marketing will guarantee the steady growth of your business, thanks to being able to reach a vast amount of people and attracting them in different ways. Using all these digital marketing methods will be expensive but the return of investment will be much higher.

In order to get the most from your digital marketing, you should consider hiring a team of professionals such as the JDR Group. That way you get the best outcome without having to spend any extra time or manpower on it. Any business can get great results from digital marketing.

If you want to optimise your digital marketing, or need any advice on which tactic would be best for your business, contact the JDR Group today.