Digital Prosperity Blog

How to Transform Your Website Into a Lead Generation Machine

Written by Will Williamson | 16-Apr-2016 08:52:00

Though a corporate website is seen as an important part of a business’ online presence, the strategy behind it is often left by the wayside when it is being conceived. B2B business owners or marketers need to plan effectively when designing and implementing a website to ensure that lead generation is at the forefront of the website, rather than something that is just an afterthought.

There are several useful B2B lead generation techniques that can make a business website more effective as a marketing and deal-making tool. With a few simple enhancements or tweaks, a corporate website can work as a lead generation tool, rather than just a static information site. Use the lead generation techniques below for a more effective website strategy.

User Experience is the Top Priority

The most fundamental problem that puts off website users is a lack of functionality. Ensure that the business website is up and running smoothly, with an easy-to-navigate design and a quick loading time, and the potential for lead generation is automatically going to improve.

Think about the end user and what they want from the business site. Are they looking for detailed information on services? Are they looking for a simple, fact-driven, plain-design website that will quickly give them the data they need? When designing the site, the final user should be at the forefront of the design to ensure that lead generation will not be hampered by an unsuitable user experience.

Target the Desired User Base with High-Quality Content

A corporate website is often designed to display a business’ items for sale or services on offer. Whilst this is useful, a site that is merely showing the basic facts about the business is not always the most helpful to the user browsing the site.

By designing a website and by creating content that is of actual use to a user, the potential for B2B lead generation is much higher. For example, if a business is adept at tackling a frequent user problem, why not lead with the details of that problem and the solutions the business has at its disposal? By creating opportunities for the user to engage with the content, the business has a higher chance of generating successful leads.

Not only that, but B2B lead generation can be boosted by search engine ranking. By offering high quality, relevant content, business websites will be promoted through search engine rankings naturally, making the lead generation that much easier.

Make the User Journey Simple and Engaging

When the website is up and running, evaluating the way that users experience the site is very useful for charting the user journey. Are users coming to the site by way of social media? Engage more on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to attract more lead generation opportunities. Are users Googling similar services to yours and coming across the site that way? Ensure that your site is easily indexed by search engines to increase traffic, and make sure that marketing tools such as blog posts are providing useful, relevant information.

Spread the Word

Social media can seem like a hassle for many business owners, but it is invaluable for drawing users into the business website. Utilise contacts on LinkedIn to invite them to see the site; include calls to action and offers blog posts and on Twitter and Facebook, and there will be an increase in visitors to the site and in lead generation potential. Keeping a regularly updated and maintained social media presence can be invaluable for a business looking to encourage people to visit their website, and it is relatively simple to execute and look after.