Digital Prosperity Blog

How To Make Black Friday & Cyber Monday Work For B2B Businesses

Written by Kerry Baker | 11-Nov-2016 10:25:00

Most of you would have heard of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. If you are, or ever have been in the B2C industry I have no doubt that you will have witnessed first-hand the money that can be generated from these events. However, those of you who are in the B2B industry will have substantially less stories to tell regarding your company’s financial success during these events.

This is because most B2B businesses don’t see where or how they can profit from the Black Friday and Cyber Monday events and therefore tend to shy away from joining in. As far as most B2B companies are concerned these events are solely for B2C companies and are something they rarely bother to take a serious interest in as far as business is concerned.

I’m writing this article to tell you that this doesn’t have to be the case for B2B businesses and I believe that it is about time that the B2B industry jumped on the Black Friday/Cyber Monday band wagon. Why should the B2C businesses reap all the benefits? If you are in the B2B industry, it’s time to start thinking outside of the box and benefiting from these events.

Here Are 4 Good Reasons Your B2B Business Should Participate In The Black Friday And Cyber Monday Events

1. Boost Enquiries & Increase Sales

B2B businesses can profit from Cyber Monday and Black Friday by using these events to increase sales and boost enquiries for their business. Unlike retailers you can do this without slashing your prices! You can offer other options such as Black Friday competitions and/or Cyber Monday offers such as a FREE consultation with a member of your team, a FREE workshop or a FREE eBook that relates to your niche.

2. Beat Your Competition

Because Black Friday and Cyber Monday are predominantly seen as B2C events there is a very good chance that most of your competitors won’t be running any Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers. You can capitalise on this by advertising the fact that you will be one of the few companies within your industry participating in Black Friday and Cyber Monday, this will most definitely catch the eye of your potential clients, and give you one up on your competition.

3. Get Your Potential Clients To Take Action Fast!

Rightly or wrongly when people hear the words Black Friday or Cyber Monday they automatically assume that they are about to get a huge one off bargain, which gives them a sense of urgency. They rush to the shops or their laptops etc to make purchases because they fear that once Black Friday or Cyber Monday are over these offers will no longer be available to them. Take advantage of the urgency the Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales evoke by applying the terminology Black Friday or Cyber Monday to your offers. This will attract more attention and will encourage your clients and potential new clients to act urgently and take action by signing up for your latest offers or promotions.

4. Recycle Offers You Already Have!

If you are already offering discounts or free information as part of your B2B marketing strategy I suggest that for the month of November, you make a few tweaks to the offer and then add the words Black Friday or Cyber Monday to it. This will give your offers a new lease of life and automatically generate more interest from your clients and potential new clients.

I hope this article has made anyone that is in the B2B industry at least consider the possibility of taking part in the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, if not this year maybe next year? When it comes to marketing people often place limitations on B2B industries, I don’t believe these limitations are always necessary. Yes of course at times it can be harder for the B2B industry to participate in certain events, but if you strategise and put the right marketing plan in place there is always a way you can add our very own B2B twist to events that are typically dominated by the B2C industry.

For more tips on how to create special offers for your business that don’t involve slashing your prices download the following FREE eBook - The Ultimate Special Offer Lead Generation Guide.