Digital Prosperity Blog

Low Risk Link Building Strategies for SEO in 2015

Written by Leanne Mordue | 13-Mar-2015 10:49:12

In very short order, we have seen a virtual explosion of effective techniques being utilised in content marketing. We’ve also been witness to countless changes in the way Google ranks web pages. One thing that hasn’t changed, however, is the effectiveness of link building. Moreover, given the myriad content marketing tactics, there are more ways than ever to build those links. Google’s ever changing algorithms do require closer scrutiny when assessing which strategies to try, but there are some low-risk link building strategies that can be used to yield positive results.

SEO Link Building

There is a simplified way to explain the goal of link building through SEO. It is basically to get your website linked through other sites in order to improve your own site’s rankings. But there are also tactics used that have the opposite effect. For example, if someone were to discover and exploit a security flaw on a site they didn’t own, and use that flaw to insert hidden links, Google would pick up on it. The offender’s site would be dinged and its ranking would plummet. So, how links are built is very important.

Importance of Link Quality

Before we discuss practical strategies for link building, let’s first touch on link quality. Learning how to correctly evaluate a link for quality is a fundamental skill because quality is important to Google. So, it should be important to you, too. Ask these questions when considering whether or not to pursue a link:

  • How connected is the site’s content to your own content?

  • Do adverts pollute the site?

  • Is the site’s design professional?

  • What is the level of content quality?

  • Are readers active on the site (comments, social media)?

Ask for Them

Once you’ve determined which sites are worth pursuing, begin to cultivate a relationship with those you’ve deemed the most valuable. Why? One of the most straightforward link building strategies is to simply ask for them, so nurture connections and reach out to those with whom you’ve established a relationship. Do you donate time or money to a cause? Ask for links on their website. If you guest blog on any sites, that’s another great opportunity. In other words, capitalise on your own network.


Shareable Content

It’s been said countless times because it’s true. Quality, original content, and lots of it, is an excellent way to enhance your online reputation and make your site and landing pages worthy of being linked. The more quality content you generate, the more favourably it will be viewed by Google, too.


The Power of Tools

Speaking of shareable content, consider including everyday tools in your content. Calorie counters, interest rate calculators, BMI calculators, and the like are all commonly sought out online. They will require a little investment, but if people end up finding that your tools are useful, you will end up with a lot more links than you would have otherwise. Incorporate content that is keyword rich, but not stuffed. That way, the tool will be connected to your keyword theme.

Social Media Matters

Use your social media accounts as a distribution tool. Share the links to your content, but put thought into how it’s presented. Create a catchy introduction to your latest blog post, for example, so readers will be enticed to click on the link to read the entire piece.

Finally, a word of caution about buying links. Don’t do it. The practice of buying links is one of the many link schemes guaranteed to have a negative impact on Google rankings. Low-risk link building is a gradual, ongoing process, and the results may not be immediate. But, if you avoid high risk link schemes, and focus instead on low risk methods such as those listed here, you will begin to see a natural increase in site traffic without the worry of being dinged by Google.

 Article by Leanne Mordue