Digital Prosperity Blog

5 Statistics That Will Change Your Mind About Marketing Automation

Written by Will Williamson | 03-Sep-2016 10:30:00

Are you currently sceptical about marketing automation? Perhaps you’re not sure about what is involved, or you don’t know if you can commit the extra investment, or maybe your current strategy works perfectly well for you at the moment. Whatever your reasons for not adopting marketing automation, have a look at these five statistics. They show that a lot of businesses are changing their mind, and we hope you’ll give it a second thought too:

1) 55% of B2B businesses already use Marketing Automation

This is an 11 fold increase on the number of B2B companies using Marketing Automation in 2011 and the adoption curve shows no sign of slowing down. This statistic from 2016 shows that a crucial Rubicon has been crossed and now more than half of B2B businesses across the world use marketing automation software. The reason for this is simple: adoption of new software platforms across a wide number of industries has proven to deliver results in terms of new leads, new business opportunities and increased profits.

For the dwindling number of companies that have not yet made the leap, there is a growing danger that their antiquated marketing strategies will fail to deliver the results they need to keep ahead of their competitors.

2) 80% of Marketing Automation users think it is a good investment

In terms of capital outlay, the majority of users think it is worth the price they pay. Depending on the platform you implement, your expenses will vary. However, respondents to a 2015 survey revealed that 10% considered Marketing Automation to be inexpensive, 50% that it was fairly priced, and 20% who thought it was expensive but worth the outlay it in terms of ROI.

3) 63% of users see tangible results within six months

A Marketing Automation Trends Survey conducted in February 2016 showed nearly 30% of users seeing financial results from their campaign in the first three months or less, with another 34% noticing an increase within six months. Of the rest, 35% saw results within a year after implementation. Only 3% had to wait for more than a year before seeing a beneficial return on their investment.

4) 60% higher conversion rate using Marketing Automation

There are many criteria that businesses use to measure the success of Marketing Automation. For example, 67% of respondents to a Forrester Research study in 2015 reported an increase in new sales leads entering their pipeline. This is an important marker, but even more revealing is the chance of a lead converting to a customer has shown to be 60% higher using Marketing Automation methods, compared to traditional marketing. We put this down to the level of content personalisation and customer profiling made possible by Marketing Automation.

5) 65% of businesses aim to increase spend on Marketing Automation technologies in the coming financial year.

Given the proven results of Marketing Automation, this is likely to increase the competitive edge of users over businesses that have not yet adopted marketing technologies, and hasten even more companies to adopt them themselves. Interestingly, the highest levels of adoption are among sectors that have until recently been sceptical of Marketing Automation, such as the manufacturing, high street banking and professional services industries.

Time to make a change

Marketing Automation methods and systems are successfully used by businesses to conduct email marketing, nurture leads, gather customer intelligence data and manage cross-channel campaigns. 91% of users attribute increased business performance to the improved lead generation and conversion opportunities provided by Marketing Automation.

A statistic is only a number until its reality is proven by hard cash in your bank account. We would therefore like you to test the truth of this proposition by trying Marketing Automation yourself. We are confident that you will see a growth in leads, more targeted messaging, improve brand awareness, increased conversions and a higher ROI from your marketing strategy. To chat with one of our advisers about the benefits to you, please give us a call today or send us a message through our website.