Digital Prosperity Blog

4 Ways To Improve Your Email Click Through Rate

Written by Hannah Makin | 11-Apr-2018 13:31:41

Email marketing is often overlooked by many, especially by small to medium sized enterprises. However, what business owners do not realise, is that this method of marketing is an extremely cost effective solution that as a matter of fact, holds just as much power as the next online marketing technique does!

According to, email is almost 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined in helping a business acquire new customers. It helps a business build credibility within their industry through the sharing of helpful and informative content, and ultimately helps boost sales.

Within your company's marketing strategy, no matter what you're doing, there is always room for improvement, therefore here are 4 ways to improve your email click through rate:

1) Don't Over-complicate

It's in your own best interest to keep all information included in your emails to a minimum. Don't overcomplicate the situation, and just include the essentials when and where necessary. The company logo, contact information and a featured image of some sort will always fall under the necessity category, alongside the product or service you are promoting clearly stated and a link to the relevant landing page. After all of these things are included, the finishing touch will be your social buttons at the end with the aim of getting the recipients to interact with your brand online on multiple platforms.

If your emails over too overcrowded, the recipient will most likely be overwhelmed and not be inclined to read it, and definitely won't be taking any action.

2) Always Follow Up

A follow up email after interaction of any sort is absolutely vital. This is what could take you from average, to great. This small but oh so simple step is exactly what will make you stand out from the crowd.

For example, if a new customer has just placed their first order, immediately follow it up with a thank you email including a '10% off your next order' voucher! This is a fantastic way to drive, and almost guarantee repeat business. As well as this, it also builds up that all important customer loyalty, which then leads to word of mouth marketing, and so on and so forth.

3) Include A Video

Video is the future. But, that is not all. Video is the present! Video marketing is quickly becoming one of the top content marketing methods taking not just a few, but ALL social media platforms by storm, and if it's good enough for social media, then it's sure good enough for email!

According to, there was an enormous 130% growth of video marketing spend in 2017, accumulating 90% of the overall content being shared on social media. This is simply down to people opting to watch video content as opposed to reading a great lump of text. And, the same goes for the way people will react to emails. If the content is in video form, it instantly becomes a lot more appealing.

4) CTA Buttons

Adding a CTA button to your emails is a great way to improve your click through rate, especially from mobile users as they are easy to click on small screens. Their purpose is to divert traffic to a landing page, nurture recipients with informative content, and ultimately generate leads.

According to, CTAs generate 127% more clicks than just a simple link, and that figure right there, is all you need to know.

Here are a few other articles relating to Email Marketing that may interest you:

Hopefully these tips will help you improve your email marketing strategy. If you have any queries, please comment below or call us on 01332 343 281 for an informal chat.