Digital Prosperity Blog

4 Benefits Of Working With A Google Partner

Written by Lewis Dillingham | 12-Oct-2017 09:44:12

Becoming a Google Partner is no easy feat. For a business to get the status of Google Partner they must have worked hard and proven to be experts in PPC and Google support. With this in mind, if the chance to work with a Google Partner arises, you would really benefit from taking it. Working with such a business means you're working with highly-trained professionals that know exactly how to improve your digital marketing and how to grow your online presence.

Some great benefits include:

1. Google Partners Are Up To Date With The Best Practices

Only those with the best knowledge of PPC are awarded Google Partner status. The businesses employees are expected to pass comprehensive tests that prove they know everything there is to know. This means Google Partners have to stay up to date with the most recent and most effective tactics in order to maintain their status.

Take advantage of the higher level of knowledge by working with these proven experts to optimise your PPC campaign. The Google Partner certification creates a great natural categorisation between the good and the amazing. So when looking for help with your Google AdWords, make sure you are keeping to Google Partners.

2. Google Partners Know All About AdWords

A Google Partner is expected to know everything there is to know about Google AdWords. They need to understand all the intricacies, be aware of the best tactics and know how to support clients with any issues they have. This excellent knowledge of AdWords is how Google Partners secure that they have such a positive impact on your PPC campaign.

3. Google Partners Have Access To BETA Features

As a Google Partner, businesses gain access to BETA features. These feature can give you a leg up against your competition by being able to use new software and features that they don't have access to. Being able to involve your business in the innovation of new methods and tactics could be that boost you need and will give you a better knowledge that similar businesses that are not with a Google Partner.

4. Google Partners Help Innovate The AdWords Field

A business that is a Google Partner is constantly helping to innovate PPC campaigns. They are helping Google work out which methods works best, they are experimenting with new tactics and systems to find the next new thing and they are forever perfecting the PPC campaign. Working with a Google Partner means you'll be the first to know about and act upon amazing new tactics and strategies.

Google Partners Are Always Your Best Option

After looking at the benefits of working with a Google Partner, you should now understand that you should seek to take advantage of their knowledge and skill. If you decide to get help and support with your PPC campaign, a Google Partner will be able to give you the optimum advice.

The JDR Group is proud to be a certified Google Partner. If you need help with your PPC campaign or need help with any aspect of your digital marketing, contact us today.