Digital Prosperity Blog

12 Top Tips For Improving Your Facebook Page Performance

Written by Kerry Baker | 23-Mar-2016 13:59:00

Most business owners will have Facebook pages for their business, however many of them aren’t getting the results they want from it. I am hoping that this article will provide you with the tips you need in order to see better results.

Where Ever Possible Interact Using Your Facebook Page NOT Your Profile Page

The first thing I suggest you do is engage with others using your Facebook profile, rather than your personal profile. So search for groups/pages that discuss topics that your niche will be interested in and post comments under your company profile, so that every time you leave a comment the profile your comment is attached to is your businesses brand, rather than your personal profile. If anyone from the groups etc. that you post in is interested in finding out more about you, when they click on your profile image they will be sent to your business page and are highly likely to like your page and become a follower.

Know Your Niche

Be knowledgeable, you need to know what your niche is and what your audience wants to hear from you. You don’t have to be an expert on everything to do with your niche (it helps if you are), but you do need to understand who your target market is and what they want, so that you can offer value to them and engage with them via Facebook.

Keep Things Regular

Once you have created a Facebook profile for your business keep it updated regularly. There is nothing worse than visiting a business page and finding it hasn’t been updated for weeks, it gives such a bad impression! Once you have created your page be sure to stay active by posting on it regularly. Don’t wait a week or so to share an update, write a post at least once per day. Don’t go days without updating your page. The longer you wait the less interested your followers are going to become. Building a successful Facebook page is just like building your very own little community, be sure to take care of your community and keep your brand in the minds of all those who are following you.

Every Now And Again Ask For A Shout Out And Reciprocate!

If you feel that you are lacking followers and would like to gain more but don’t want to spend your social media marketing budget on Facebook Like Ads, try asking other pages to give you a shout out, and you in turn can do the same for them. Obviously avoid competitors but anyone who has a page where your target market may spend time, that is not in direct competition with your business, would be a good option. It’s a great way of growing your following, once you have done a return shout out for a fellow business owner leave it on your page for a few hours but then it’s probably best to remove it from the page so your page isn’t full of shout outs.

Make Sure You Are Using Facebook Advertising Pixels

If you are running any type of Facebook campaign, please make sure you are taking advantage of Facebooks advertising pixels. If you are unsure about how to use Facebooks Advertising Pixels there are lots of tutorials out there such as this one: that will show you how to set up your advertising pixel and explain in detail the benefits of using a Facebook Pixel. Facebook Pixels will track who is visiting your site, to make you aware of stats such as the following:

  • What gender your visitors are
  • How old they are
  • What things they are interested in
  • Where they live


Which will help you a great deal as you will be able to use this information to target your ads towards the right people. It’s also this very useful kind of information you should keep in mind to help you write better content for your social media sites and blog, as it lets you know exactly who you should be targeting and gives you a very good idea of the kind of information they want!

Try Posting In The Evenings And Early Mornings!

Have you noticed that most of your competitors usually make their social media posts in the middle of the day? This is because a large percentage of companies tend to post during the normal working day, so lots of their social media posts tend to be between 9am and 5pm when their staff are available to create the content. Because of this, I suggest you try posting early in the morning and late at night on top of the times you would normally post. As this will mean you will be avoiding most of your competition, so rather than your followers seeing several posts from within your niche they will hopefully only see yours! Which will make them more likely to engage with your posts.

Many business owners forget that people tend to be on Facebook at rather unsociable hours as well as in the day! Many people will browse Facebook in the early hours of the morning whilst enjoying their breakfast or late in the evening just before they go to bed! So take advantage of this! If you are concerned about how you will find the time to do this, there is no need to be! Use a social media scheduler such as HubSpot or Hootsuite to schedule in your social media posts, and they will automatically post at the time you schedule them for. To find out more about the benefits of using schedulers such as HubSpot for social media check out the following article - The Benefits Of Using Hubspot For Social Media Management

Use Your Blog And Other Social Media Profiles

Where ever possible make sure you attach a link to your Facebook page on all of your other social media channels. Especially your blog! You should have a Facebook button on your blog because anyone that is interested in reading your blog posts is also likely to have an interest in your Facebook page.

Track Your Stats

Facebook provide you with free insights so that you can keep an eye on your Facebook pages stats. Whether you have the budget to pay for Facebook Advertising or not, you should still track your stats! Organic stats are just as important as paid! Your stats will provide you with invaluable information, such as the most popular times to post, it will also tell you what content is the most popular with your followers. For example, your video posts may be outperforming your image posts. Being aware of this information will help you to produce content your followers will want to engage with. Knowing this information is incredibly important as it lets you know when your followers are available, and most likely to read your posts, it also tells you what type of posts they prefer. Enabling you to use this information to make sure you are posting the right type of content at the right time.

Don’t Bore Your Followers!

Mix it up! – don’t use the same type of posts all the time, as this will become very monotonous. Use pictures, quotes, contests, questions, videos, and curated content as well as posts that link back to your own content such as your blog. If you are continuously posting the same type of content your followers will get bored. When it comes to social media no matter who your target market is they will have very short attention span. If your social media content doesn’t interest them within the first few seconds they will simply scroll past and move on to the next post. Keep them interested by mixing things up.

Add Calls To Action

You don’t want all of your posts to be links back to your blog. As I mentioned earlier, you need a good mix of posts that consist of free quality content that will interest your followers! However, whenever you create a new blog post you should share it on your Facebook page. When doing so you should always create a call to action that tells people to click the link to your blog. Doing this makes a significant difference to click through rates. For example you could write something like this……..

In our latest blog post we reveal all the benefits of our new product, click on the below link to find out more!

Produce Engaging Content

Facebook does not show all of your posts to all of the people that have liked your page. (In my opinion this is pretty unfair, but hey Facebook are a business and at the end of the day their number 1 objective is to make money!) So not everyone of your followers will see all of your posts, all of the time. Facebook decides what they want to show your followers. Facebook base how many of your followers are going to see your post on the engagement and interaction rates on your page. The more people who interact with your page, the more followers Facebook will show your post to. Basically Facebook will reward you for creating good quality posts that your audience are interested in, and penalise you for providing poor content that nobody wants to read.

Always Add Images To Facebook Posts

I’ve said it before in previous articles and I will say it again - Images make a massive difference to the engagement rates on Facebook posts. Text posts don’t perform half as well, so please be sure to use images within your posts. Preferably images that will attract your target markets’ attention To summarise Facebook is great for building businesses online, but in order for you to profit from your Facebook account you need to figure out what works best for your business and how you can leverage it to make money online!